Good Will Hunting is a movie that presents a boy, named Will, who is very genius. He is able to answer mathematical problems easily and immediately by the time he looks up at the problem than the people who works for the problem and find solution for over years or more. It seems like that he is the genius person in the world and here comes Chuckie the old friend of professor Lambeau. He is a psychologist.

During their 4th session when Will open up about the girl, Skylar, whom he dated last week. Will elaborated to Chuckie what he thought about Skylar. That Skylar is beautiful, smart, fun and different from most girls Will have been with. Chuckie insisted to Will to call Skylar for another date. Will answered that if he will go another date Will may realize that Skylar is not that smart and that she’s fucking boring. Skylar is perfect for Will that time and he don’t want to ruin it. Chuckie answered in return that maybe Will is perfect right now for Skylar and that Will don’t want to ruin it.

In the above conversation, I could say that Chuckie uses a Socratic Method towards Will. A “Socratic method was actually intended to demonstrate one’s ignorance.” In that part of the movie, Will was unable to reply to the words of Chuckie “Maybe you’re perfect right now. Maybe you don’t want to ruin that.” Chuckie thrown back to Will the words which Will said to Chuckie. I could see that Will, after hearing that words, slowly changing his mood but Chuckie immediately broke it up with a conversation.

“The essence of the Socratic Method is to convince a person that whereas he thought he knew something, in fact he does not.” It’s true that Will does not know something, that he is just a kid, compared to Will. Will’s ideas and thought are all came from the books that he reads unlike Chuckie who offers, during their session, something based on his experiences. That is why, maybe, Socrated preferred to travel because only through experience that we are able to know and understand things in their own way.

Chuckie wanted to show to Will that the world is big and full of mystery yet the only guide to uncover this things is to follow our heart. It is true that Will has experienced love on Skylar but he is afraid of taking the risk. He wanted to remain in his safest place. But with the help of Chuckie and his friends he is able to go out from a safe place and took the risk of following his heart’s desire.

Socratic Method offers us the reality that human being does know everything. But the best part of knowing everything is not by reading books or getting ideas from others but by experiencing it by our own self. Because of the experiences that we become more mature and able to understand things differently from a person who never experienced it at all.

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