“I was just hoping you might give some insight into the evolution…of the market economy in the southern colonies. My contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War, the economic modalities…especially in the southern colonies… could most be aptly characterized as…agrarian precapitalist.”

“Let me tell you something. Of course that’s your contention. You are a first year-grad student. You just got finished reading some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably. You are gonna be convinced of that till next month when you get to James Lemon. Then you are gonna be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania…were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That’s gonna last until next year. You’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talking about, you know, the prerevolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization.”

“Well, as a matter of fact I won’t, because Wood drastically underestimates the impacts of…”

“Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions…predicated upon wealth…especially inherited wealth. You got that from Vickers’ Work in Essex County. Page 98, right? I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or is that your thing? You come into a bar. You read some obscure passage. Then pretend-pawn it off as your own. As your own idea just to impress some girls? Embarrass my friend?”

This is a conversation between Will and the man in the bar. Will interrupted in the confrontation between his friend and the man. He got irritated because the man acted like a genius or smart person. The man was in surprised and quiet shy because Will was able to know and explain everything. Will underestimated the man because he knew that the man was just pretending that he knew everything but actually does not know everything at all. Will continue explaining and clearing everything what he knows. The man did not anymore insist or say something but rather decided to go away. The man was not able anymore to explain or discuss to Will. Will was able to uncover the mindset or way of thinking of the man through his logical and intelligent or brilliant approach.

“The Socratic Method is a form of philosophical inquiry in which the questioner explores the implications of others' positions, to stimulate rational thinking and illuminate ideas.” The aim of this dialectical method is making your opponent believes that he knows something about something. It shows that your opponent is very intelligent and has mastery on what he knows about. You ask questions in relation to what your opponent know about. By this, you uncover that something which your opponent thought he already understood or knew everything about that something but actually what he thought and believed is not yet enough and not completely right and precise. You continue asking questions and giving your own arguments in contradiction on your opponent’s idea of something. Socratic Method shows your mastery, techniques and creativity on the way you present your argument and ideas. This is a sort of creative or logical argument or reasoning. For me, this would be the best way and technique to use for us to arrive into a clear and  apodictic ideas and ideas. 

Ploning is a romantic family drama film based on a popular Cuyonan song of the same title a girl’s hidden feeling in a man’s point of view. Ploning is known as a hardworking and thoughtful woman who despite her age and beauty, she is not yet married. It is later revealed that she had once loved a man named Tomas fourteen years ago, however this man left her. Life goes on for Ploning. She continued her roles as a dutiful daughter. She was so successful in caring the town. Ploning is a strong woman and do not hurt other’s feelings. She does not smile or talk too much. She has a good relationship with her neighbors. Viewing the movie Ploning, the character of Ploning depicts the personalities of real Filipino woman. Ploning shows the characters and behaviors of Filipina women such as being thoughtful, conservative, kind, hardworking, responsible, patient, understanding, caring, generous, friendly, strong, lovable, pleasing and beautiful as well. In the entire movie, Ploning shows how conservative she is especially on the way she dress, how responsible she is in the household chores, how calm and pleasant she is the way she acts, speaks and interacts with others, how respectful and kind she is to her neighbors, and how caring and loving she is especially to the small boy named Digo. These are some of the good qualities, values and characteristics of a true Filipina woman.  Filipinas are indeed generous, hardworking, very caring and loving. These women support their families through thick or thin. The caring, hardworking, responsible, supportive and loving nature of the Filipinas is very clear to see. Filipinas would never abandon a child or a member of a family in need, like Ploning she really gives her care and love to Digo and treats him as her true son. It reminds us that a true Filipina mother really cares for their children.  Ploning is also understanding and patient. These are also some of the good values of Filipino women, being understanding and patient. Most Filipina women never engage in a dispute or argument because that type of behavior does not reflect a lady. Filipino women are taught to speak politely, with a gentle tone of voice. Arguing is just not acceptable, especially in public. Filipino women are soft spoken, quiet and understanding. Like in the case of Ploning, she never had an argument or confrontation with her neighbors. Because of her being patient, soft spoken, tender, and quiet many of her neighbors love and appreciate her goodness. That is why also she has many good friends in their community. Even though Ploning is not married, she is excellent home makers and responsible in household tasks. As we all know, a Filipina women are excellent home makers and are obliged to a responsibility as a good wife. Filipino women display their home as a symbol of pride and they do their best to create a warm and pleasing environment for their family.

Ploning is also simple yet so beautiful and attractive woman. We can see in her face the true beauty of a Filipina woman. One thing that the Filipino women have on their side is their gorgeous and fresh beauty. They always stand out. They are considered a natural beauty. The reason why Filipino women are very popular in today’s society because they have a natural beauty that is so attractive. Many people wonder where that beauty comes from. No doubt, why there are many foreigners chose to marry Filipina women because there a lot of traits that Filipino women have made them very desirable as wives and female companions.

Sad to say, nowadays, these good qualities and characteristics of true Filipino women have faded and gone away already. Filipina women in the past are very different compared to the present generation with regards to their attitudes and characteristics. Today, it is hard for us to find and recognize Filipino women who are thoughtful, responsible, caring, conservative, and have pleasing attitudes. I believe, this is a great call and responsibility especially to the girls of today’s generation to follow, maintain, and continue the good values and characteristics of true Filipina women. 
Socratic Method, named after Socrates, is a philosophical inquiry, wherein the questioner asks questions to the interlocutor, and follows it up with more questions after the interlocutor gives his response. It is a good way for the stimulation of rational thinking and illumination of ideas. This dialectic method is used in debating about opposite points, ideas and views. This method can lead the interlocutor to contradict himself and strengthen the inquirer’s own point and view. One of the example of Socratic Method can be seen in the movie Good Will Hunting. It goes this way.

Clark: I was just hoping you might give me some insight to the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies. My contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War, the economic modalities especially in the southern colonies could most aptly be characterized as agrarian precapitalist. Let me tell you somethin’…

Will: Of course that’s your contention. You’re a first-year grad student. You just got finished readin’ some Marxian historian- Pete Garrison, probably you’re gonna be convinced of that till next month when you get to James Lemon. Then you’re gonna be talkin’ about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That’s gonna last until next year. You’re gonna be in here regurgitatin’ Gordon Wood, talking about, you know, the prerevolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization.

Clark: Well, as a matter of fact, I won’t, because Wood drastically underestimates the impact of…

Will: Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth. You got that from Vickers’ Work in Essex County. Page 98, right? I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own in this matter? Or is that your thing? You come into a bar. You read some obscure passage. Then pretend- pawn it as your own. As your own idea just to impress some girls? Embarrass my friend? See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years, you’re gonna start doin’ some thinkin’ on your own. You’re gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One: Don’t do that. And two: You dropped 150 grand on a fuckin’ education you could’ve got for $1.50 in late charges at the public library.

Clark: Yeah, but I will have a degree, and you’ll be servin’ my kids fries at a drive through on our way to a skiing trip.

Will: Maybe, but at least I won’t be unoriginal. If you have a problem with that, we could step outside. We could figure it out.

Clark: No, man, there’s no problem. It’s cool.

Will Hunting was an intelligent man but what’s unique with him was that he doesn’t go to school. For him, it’s a waste of time and money. He just reads books and enjoys reading more of it. For him, the true education/learning is to buy from public libraries and study on his own. He is really smart in any fields or sciences especially in Math. That is why Lambeau wanted him so much. He wanted him to be known in that field but Will was not that interested. Will is really genius but he doesn’t know what he really wants in life. He was not guided well in his life. The good thing for him is that, he had three loyal friends that continue to understand and help him.

The dialogue above in the movie Good Will Hunting is an example of Socratic Method. This might be somehow different from that of Socrates. Socrates would not talk so much about the content in proving what’s wrong with the arguments of his interlocutors. He would just ask questions and lead them to speak of arguments that would contradict to their previous argument proving them wrong. Will, on the other hand, speaks so much about contents and facts and at the same time proving Clark wrong. He speaks frankly to Clark the loopholes of his (Clark’s) arguments. Clark could not interrupt him because of Will’s firm stands about his arguments against him. Will’s way is presenting the other’s loophole and then the other just agrees to him, making the other humiliate himself.

Clark and Will’s discussion started when Clark, in the movie, interrupted Chuck and Skylar’s conversation. He interrupted when he heard the word History. He presented himself to them as if he knows so much of it. He really spoke as if he was an expert in that field. Will interrupted him by talking also about Economics and he continued what Clark will about to say. It made Clark think that he is not that good as Will. Will also presented to Clark that he (Clark) was plagiarizing, claiming that what he said was originally his. Clark cannot do anything but to accept that his knowledge is not enough for him to show up. Clark, because of Will’s shameful arguments accepted that he was not really good. He just did those things for showing up.

In life, there are times that we encounter people that at our first meeting with them, they would present themselves as if they are really expert in their field. Later, we find out that they are only more of words but not of deeds, that what they know is not enough, that what they present their selves are not worthy of them. Sometimes, we can say to our self, “daw si sin-o gid nga SureBol kag Tikalon!” Of course, we humans are not perfect. Our knowledge is limited to the things we only know. We don’t know whatever we haven’t learned or experience. For me, there are two kinds of people that I really hate: first, those who don’t know but pretend to know so much, and second, those who are expert in their field but are really boastful and cannot go down to others level. Socratic Method can be applied to them. If we are just good thinkers and interrogators, we can lead them to contradict their previous arguments that could support our views.

Socratic Method is one of the best ways to interrogate boastful and pretending people.  It’s a good method that can lead our interlocutors to their down fall. If I will be asked who wins between Clark and Will in their discussion, my answer is “None of the two. Clark pretends to know but the truth is he doesn’t and Will knows but he is boastful.” The lesson we can get from their discussion is never pretend that we know so much but actually we do not and never become so proud whenever we can feel that we know so much.

Ploning (Judy Ann Santos) was the main character in the movie “Ploning” directed by Dante Nico Garcia. She was a beautiful, simple, silent, industrious, generous, open and accommodating kind of Filipino woman in the island of Cuyo, Palawan. She was portrayed like a “sinaunang babae” like our grandmothers because of her being conservative and wisdom. She was not talking so much about her feelings. She was “may-kaya sa buhay” but just simple. It was revealed in the story that she loves a man named Tomas. Tomas went to study in Manila and find opportunities. She kept on waiting for Tomas. It was later revealed in the story as it enfolds that Tomas is dead. Only Ploning and Tomas’ mother knew about his death. Ploning was broken-hearted.

Ploning was the type of a woman whom I personally like. Her simplicity makes her more beautiful. In the present times, with all the advancements in technology and sciences, it is hard to find a simple woman like Ploning. As what I have observed, most of the women (in my age) in the present time are over-acting, “ma-arte”, smokers, drinkers and most of them do not value their virginity. Ploning was far different from them. Her goodness was near to perfection.

To be simple externally is beautiful. External simplicity does not mean being left-behind in terms of fashion, or being mediocre in terms of looks because of not putting so much make-up in ones face. Being simple is beautiful because it reveals the truth, it reveals the true look of the face. I don’t say that looks do not matter. Of course, it matters a lot. It’s very good to look good and presentable but one’s true beauty can be seen without make-ups. True beauty can be seen in one’s natural face It’s already enough to have a combed hair, nails cut, and well-dressed. Putting so much make up in ones face is just the same as hiding from a mask.

If external simplicity is beautiful, internal simplicity is more beautiful. Internal simplicity for me refers to being humble, being selfless and being open to others. It is not being mediocre in thinking and in doing things. For me, humility makes a woman more beautiful in the inside. Ploning was a humble, modest and respectful woman. That is why she was respected by all the people in Cuyo. She was as important as the rain. Ploning showed how humble Filipino women were in the past. Of course, being humble is part of our culture. In the present era, some women are full of pride, no nothing about being modest (sexual reserve) and some are disrespectful. It shows that some Filipino women now do not value humility. Humility is important because it also leads us to being open to others. Ploning was a woman open to others’ views in life. She does not consider her views alone but considers also of others’. Ploning was also selfless. She gives and gives without expecting any reward or return from others. What is important for her is that she had offered her help to others’ needs. I believe that we Filipinos are industrious people. I myself have the tendency to give and give without expecting any returns. It is good to help others especially in emergencies but in my case, sometimes I can feel that I am abused because of my too much availability and willingness to help others.

Ploning was really a simple woman. Her simplicity makes her more beautiful both in the inside and outside. She was one of a kind woman- very respectful, very open to others’ views, humble and modest (sexual reserve). That is the reason why she was as important as the rain. If I will meet a woman like Ploning, for sure I will like her so much. Nowadays, it is hard to find women that are simple and modest. Simplicity and modesty are two of Ploning’s characteristics that most of the Filipino women in the present do not have. Simplicity is important externally, because it shows one’s natural beauty and also shows that one is not that materialistic and worldly, and internally, because it shows that we are humble enough to accept that we are not perfect, that there are things in life that we don’t know and that others’ views are also important as our views. Simplicity and modesty makes beauty!