We don’t have to an Engineer in order to amaze others. We don’t have to be a Teacher in order to make others listen. We don’ have to be a Doctor so that we can inspire others. We can be the best even just in our own simple ways. We don’t have to get so many titles in order to please or to be respected by others. Honestly, titles have nothing to do about it. What is the use of our titles if we don’t apply them in our daily life? Example of this is our politicians, of course, there are really those who are truly good but we cannot deny the fact that many of them are truly bad. They have great titles after their name, but why is it that people disrespect them? It is because of their wrong doings. Having such titles does not merit us or avoid us from being bad. Titles are just letters but it is our deeds that are very important and create a great impact to the people. Titles are just passing in the ear, but deeds usually touch and remain in the heart. That’s why I do really appreciate the old Ilonggo saying that says: “Bisan wala ka lang sang tinun-an pero may pinanilagan.” Yes, Education promises us good future but it doesn’t mean that we will truly become good persons. There are these people who were not able to undergo a qualitative kind of education, but they inspire others with their own philosophy or perspectives in life. They are nothing but ordinary persons around us but have an extraordinary point of view about life. One of the living examples of these kinds of people is ‘Tay Dodoy.

‘Tay Dodoy is one of our personnel here in the seminary. He celebrated his 24th year of rendering his good service in the seminary last June 15- not counting the other years when he was not yet a regular personnel of the seminary. He is already 24 years working here in the seminary, almost half of his life because he is now already 46 years old. ‘Tay Dodoy is very popular because of his favourite expression: “Hello! ‘To…” He is being loved by the seminarians and the priest formators as well, because of his being so approachable and kind. He is very respectful that’s why he is also respected by all. He is also a good companion according to other personnel. ‘Tay Dodoy is the elder brother of Tita Neneng, the personnel in-charge of the laundry of the seminary. He was not able to finish his studies in college because he had to work early for their fill- in order for them to survive. Their parents died when they were still kids, and so they were being cared by their grandmother. Before, being exposed in the seminary, ‘Tay Dodoy had also the desire to become a priest, but it was the financial matter that stops him from doing so. He also whole heartedly accepted his fate. That’s why he made a promise that since he will not become a priest, he will just render good services to the seminarians and priest formators. And now, he is already married and a father of two children. But still, the fire of that promise fuels him to continue doing good services here in the seminary.

‘Tay Dodoy is indeed a good person. In my conversation with him, I was so amazed by his own belief and perspective about life. I can’t imagine that he had those things in him. He admitted to me that sometimes his work is very hard for his capacity, but it doesn’t mean that he would always complain about it, rather, he consider it as a new challenge for him and a new opportunity of learning. He also told me that: “’To, dapat sa obrahanay…obra ka anay bag-o ka magreklamo. Kag wala man sang mabudlay nga obra kung tun-an mo nga palanggaon ini. Natural lang na nga mabudlay ang obra kay wala man sang hapos diri sa kalibutan. Kay kun mapili ka sa obra mo…mawad-an ka gid ya sang kalan-on mo. Kag dapat sa obrahanay…wala lang sang pag isipay kay dapat magbinuliganay lang ang tanan para mahapos. Kag labi sa tanan…dapat indi gid pag paulihon ang Mahal nga Diyos sa tanan nga gina obra mo… ihalad lang sa iya ang tanan mu nga kabudlayan, kay hatagan ya gid ka sang kasulhayan. ” ‘Tay Dodoy, being so simple and a good father, he also have great ambitions to his two children- for them to finish their studies and get a good job someday. He promised that no matter how hard his job is, he will never stop from doing it for the sake of his promise and for his family, especially his dream for his children. He is willing to sacrifice himself just to fulfill his role being a good father.

In relation to Plato’s idea:

In Plato’s framework, he said that there are two kinds of world, namely: the world of senses and the world of ideas. The world of senses speaks about the reality- it is the world that can be perceived by our sense while the world of ideas speaks about the world that is in our mind wherein everything is perfect in form and order. It is in the world of senses that we encounter the reality- our real selves in our real situation. It is where we experience hardships and painful experiences. Why? As I said, because it is the reality, wherein we have no power to control everything or arrange every situation perfectly with accordance to what we want them to be done. Thus, makes our life difficult. But in this matter, the ideal world becomes very helpful, for it gives us the idea that to do things which we want to happen in our lives. It gives us an inspiration to dream of great things that we want to have in our real lives, which help us to increase our level of perspective about our lives. Just like in the case of ‘Tay Dodoy, though he admitted that his life is very difficult, but it doesn’t mean that he has to give up and do nothing. His perspectives in life help him to adjust in every difficult situation that he is facing. It is the same thing that pushes him to continue doing well and to remain as a good person.
Humans as we are, if we have already aimed so many degrees in the field of academics or have so many experiences in life, our natural tendency is to boast it to others so that they will know us and will become the center of attraction. If we have already these titles written after our names, we consider ourselves as “somebody”, as if, we are already different from the others, we always wanted to be treated very well, and worse, if we will make it as something that will make other people afraid of us. There are really people who are like that, as if they can control everything since they have so many titles after their names. Some are really good but there are also some that who are just hiding under their titles, pretending that they are really good, the best, intellectual, but actually they are not. They are just using their titles to play other’s fate, to be known, and to protect themselves. One of the best example of this kind of scenario is that of one of the scenes in the movie entitled Good Will Hunting. It is when Chuckie, Will’s friend, had some conversation with the girls with the intention of impressing them. Then suddenly there is this college guy who interrupted the conversation and mocked Chuckie in the front of the girls. Hearing his friend being mocked by the said guy, Will immediately entered the scene, saving Chuckie from his embarrassment. Their conversation goes this way:

                         To tell you the truth, I wasn't there

                         much. The class was rather elementary.


                         Elementary? Oh, I don't doubt that

                         it was. I remember the class, it was

                         just between recess and lunch.

               Will and Billy come forward, stand behind Chuckie.


                         All right, are we gonna have a



                         There's no problem. I was just hoping

                         you could give me some insight into

                         the evolution of the market economy

                         in the early colonies. My contention

                         is that prior to the Revolutionary

                         War the economic modalities especially

                         of the southern colonies could most

                         aptly be characterized as agrarian

                         precapitalist and...

               Will, who at this point has migrated to Chuckie's side and

               is completely fed-up, includes himself in the conversation.


                         Of course that's your contention.

                         You're a first year grad student.

                         You just finished some Marxian

                         historian, Pete Garrison prob'ly,

                         and so naturally that's what you

                         believe until next month when you

                         get to James Lemon and get convinced

                         that Virginia and Pennsylvania were

                         strongly entrepreneurial and

                         capitalist back in 1740. That'll

                         last until sometime in your second

                         year, then you'll be in here

                         regurgitating Gordon Wood about the

                         Pre-revolutionary utopia and the

                         capital-forming effects of military



                              (taken aback)

                         Well, as a matter of fact, I won't,

                         because Wood drastically

                         underestimates the impact of--


                         "Wood drastically underestimates the

                         impact of social distinctions

                         predicated upon wealth, especially

                         inherited wealth..." You got that

                         from "Work in Essex County," Page

                         421, right? Do you have any thoughts

                         of your own on the subject or were

                         you just gonna plagiarize the whole

                         book for me?

               Clark is stunned.


                         Look, don't try to pass yourself off

                         as some kind of an intellect at the

                         expense of my friend just to impress

                         these girls.

               Clark is lost now, searching for a graceful exit, any exit.


                         The sad thing is, in about 50 years

                         you might start doin' some thinkin'

                         on your own and by then you'll realize

                         there are only two certainties in



                         Yeah? What're those?


                         One, don't do that.  Two -- you

                         dropped a hundred and fifty grand on

                         an education you coulda' picked up

                         for a dollar fifty in late charges

                         at the Public Library.

               Will catches Skylar's eye.


                         But I will have a degree, and you'll

                         be serving my kids fries at a drive

                         through on our way to a skiing trip.



                         Maybe. But at least I won't be a



                         And if you got a problem with that,

                         I guess we can step outside and deal

                         with it that way.

               While Will is substantially smaller than Clark, he [Clark]

               decides not to take Will up on his [Will's] offer.


                         If you change your mind, I'll be

                         over by the bar.

               He turns and walks away. Chuckie follows, throwing Clark a


               Morgan turns to a nearby girl.


                         My boy's wicked smart.
Their conversation is a good example of Socratic Method. It is a method wherein the questioner keeps on asking questions to the interlocutor until such time that the interlocutor find it difficult to answer anymore or will realize that he is wrong or he lacks more ideas. This kind of method is good in terms of learning because it really exhaust men to think and explore so many things just to arrive for what is truth. The good lesson that we could get from this method is that, we should not boast for whatever we have in ourselves, we shouldn’t think that we are really the best, and we should not underestimate others.