Prosperity, industrialization, technology, and much advancement in our society create good and bad effects in our lives. Places were developed medicines were created and life became very easy. In the extent, machines, telecommunication and computer mediated communication made very affordable that it became very common. In all of these advancements our economy can be productive and improve more in the expectations of the world. These are the advantages of world’s material advancements, yet the bad effects of these are materialism, meaninglessness of life, unstable life style, and corruption of youth through pornography and pervert acts brought by liberalized frame work of mind. These are “god’s death wreath.” In the critique to religion of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche the observation on Europe’s situation in his time was the death of God. God was being killed slow and continuous by selfishness, materialism, and fake source of faith. Many people were selfish, greedy and restless for the security of their lives. Many worshiped their belongings and material possessions not minding others who are unfortunate, push down those who are weak just to bring their own selves into the top. Some people kill to put their selves in to the position having the power and the authority.

The observation of Nietzsche in Europe in his time is obviously clear and happening in our time and here in our country. Materialism, worshiping power and money for selfish motives, and immorality such as pornography, and abortion as killing of the unborn are all present and prime problems of our society. God is being tortured to death through all this inhuman but human made effects by human acts. We all made these, we slowly “kill God” by our selfish actions. Our spiritual lives are covered by pretentions of peace and of faith. We sometimes go to mass to let others see that we are religious, after we destroy our community as we corrupt the wealth of our government as for corrupt politicians. Communication was made for us to connect and to talk with each other, but there are people who destroy others through computer or making lies, wrong judgments, and destroying the name of others by posting in the net. If all of us were created in the image of likeness of God doesn’t it that we also destroy god’s name if we murder the name of others?. Science is also very beneficial to us for the medicine and the drugs that are healing our bodies, but if we use Science to destroy Gods creation in the image of the unborn doesn’t it that we are killing the creator not permitting his creation to exist in this world through abortion?. If we go to mass and if we see our enemies do we really forgive each other in the giving of peace?, why don’t we have forgiveness and promote peace.

Most of us in our country are Christians and we are almost have our own god why don’t we use our being faithful, pray and act as we live the life of good persons. We need to struggle and to share our lives to others to create a peaceful humanity.  Through the example of our gods as we have our different beliefs and religions we need not to fight with each other we need to respect and understand and correct each other’s wrongs. Let us be influenced by our being faithful for our faith to our God is leading us to be good, thus we as we live in God’s presence we also incarnate Gods actions.

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